The People's Beat

Another Great Taste of Africa

Another Great Taste of Africa

Another Great Taste of Africa by Makeda Cheatom Taste of Africa was an unforgettable celebration, filled with vibrant flavors and rhythms from across the continent. Brothers and sisters from all corners of Africa, along with people of all backgrounds and ages, came...

Juneteenth: A Legacy of Freedom and Hope

Juneteenth: A Legacy of Freedom and Hope

As the nation celebrates Juneteenth today, we are reminded of a profound and often overlooked chapter in American history—the day the last enslaved African Americans were finally freed. On June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas, Union General Gordon Granger announced the...

Exemplary Home for Humanity

Exemplary Home for Humanity

On October 29th, a momentous event took place as the Home for Humanity Movement for Planetary Regenerative officially recognized the WorldBeat Cultural Center as an "Exemplary Home for Humanity." The ceremony, held from 3 PM to 5 PM, was a celebration of the center's...

Celebrating Capoeira Graduates

Celebrating Capoeira Graduates

WorldBeat Center would like to celebrate all the graduates and initiates that participated in this year’s Capoeira batisado with Os Malandros De Mestre Touro and Mestre Preto Velho at WorldBeat Cultural Center. On October 28th, 2023 over 30 students received their...

Taste of Africa Brings Unity

Taste of Africa Brings Unity

Balboa Park's WorldBeat Cultural Center hosted the eagerly anticipated Taste of Africa event on Saturday, October 21st, from 2 PM to 8 PM. Last year's edition of this event was a spectacular success, and it returned with even more excitement, promising a day filled...

Who Controls, The Seeds Controls The Land

Who Controls, The Seeds Controls The Land

The Heirloom Expo, an annual event, unfolded at the Ventura Fairgrounds from September 12th to 14th, 2023, offering not only an educational experience but a vital necessity for humanity in these times. This event, made possible by the generous support of Baker Creek...