WorldBeat Cultural Center is a non- profit 501 c(3) and we rely on the generosity and help of our patrons and community to help support our work as an educational and cultural resource in the San Diego community. Every donation big or small helps contribute to our operational costs.
Your tax-deductible donation will help us continue our mission of unity through music, art, dance and culture. You can donate online, by phone, or by check.
Ways to Donate
To Donate via Credit/ Debit Card fill out the form below
Additional Donation Options

$ProphetWorldBeat @worldbeatcenter
Checks may be made payable to WorldBeat Cultural Center and mail to:
WorldBeat Cultural Center
2100 Park Blvd
San Diego, CA, 92101
For phone donations call 619-230-1190 and ask for Berenice.
Others Ways You Can Support
Volunteers play an integral part in the success of our events and programs, without their help and dedication we wouldn’t be where we are today. To find out more about volunteer opportunities email