Greetings Cleanse Challenge Team,

Your health is your wealth. Yes! People keep coming to be cleansed. It’s good that we let our juicer be our drug store. I’m proud of all of you for trying to eat simpler and cleaner and sticking to a plant based diet.

With your vegetable rich drinks you can add coconut water to your cleanse. If you would like a fresh young jelly coconut, please ask for one when you pick up your juice. Young coconuts are amazing. In fact, the young coconut is one of the most important fruits within the tropical regions because of its potassium and mineral rich water. Besides being highly nutritious, young coconuts have also been exceedingly revered as having medicinal qualities for heart, liver and kidney disorders. In fact, the coconut has recently been reported to reduce the viral load of HIV. Coconut oil is also amazing. You can use it on your hair and skin. Also in your salads and in any of your raw and cooked meals. 

Cayenne pepper is another incredible food that we will be featuring today. Native Americans have used cayenne (Capsicum annuum or frutescens, or red pepper) as both food and medicine for at least 9,000 years. Cayenne pepper is an important spice, particularly in Cajun and Creole cooking, and in the cuisines of Southeast Asia, China, Southern Italy, and Mexico. 

Many cultures including those of the Americas, Africa, Caribbean and China, have a history of using cayenne pepper therapeutically. A powerful compound with many uses, cayenne pepper is currently gaining buzz for cleansing and detoxifying regimes such as the Master Cleanse, which uses the spice to stimulate circulation and neutralize acidity. Cayenne pepper has been used for its anti-irritant properties, anti-cold and flu agent, anti-fungal properties, migraine headache prevention and detox support. It has also been said to provide digestive aid and relieve joint-pain for arthritis. Cayenne is an excellent preservative and has been used traditionally to prevent food contamination from bacteria. Studies done at the Loma Linda University in California found that cayenne pepper may help prevent lung cancer in smokers. Scientists at the Laval University in Quebec found that participants who took cayenne pepper for breakfast were found to have less appetite, leading to less caloric intake throughout the day. It is said to be good for the kidneys, lungs, spleen, pancreas, heart, and stomach.

Here are Today’s juice options:

Day 4: Friday
Option A) collards, apple, carrots, mint, chlorella
Option B) celery, diakon, carrots, apple, spinach, cayenne

Just 2 more days to go!

Wendy-GM-FuRemember Saturday we have Free QiGong class at 10AM Outside the WorldBeat Center on the Cultural Plaza lawn. I will be there getting my Chi on! So I want to see all the cleansing family out there with me circulating your Chi energy. Master Wendy teaches the Wuji Gong form of qigong exercise. It consists of a series of movements that open up the energetic pathways of the body, thereby clearing out blockages and promoting health.  Wendy has been studying with Grandmaster Fu Wei Zhong, the head of Emei Qigong, since 2004.

One People, One Planet!

Makeda Dread Cheatom
Executive Director / Founder
WorldBeat Center / Positive Hope Foundation
Casa del Tunel Tijuana

Pre-order ahead of time and have your juice ready!
Call 619-230-1190,
chat with us on our new website
or email us at

Your juice cleanse order can be picked up TODAY
at WorldBeat Center
2100 Park Blvd San Diego, CA 92101
Pick up between 10am-6pm

If you’re interested in delivery, call us at 619-230-1190


*We do not diagnose or treat illnesses. individuals with serious illness should compile data from several sources prior to fasting. individuals using prescription medication should not do a cleanse since the effects of their medication will be amplified by their cleaner system. extremely toxic people should not attempt cleanses longer than three days without medical supervision. women who are pregnant or nursing should not attempt a cleanse.


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